For joy’s sake

2 min readSep 25, 2024


Vacation brain always has this wonderful benefit of making everything just a little simpler. I’ve come back to normal life, and wondering just how things got so complicatated. Of course, it’s obvious to pretty much everyone — I say yes to a lot. And enjoy doing a lot of things. So life gets full.

And, what if life can be full of simple things. I was watching my digital picture frame this morning — a hazard of entering my kitchen — and was struck by the complete simplicity of this photo.

Ok in full disclosure, it wasn’t this exact photo! For the family members following along at home, the photo was actually same nonna, different great-grandchild. That one was a 7 year old Enrico Rocco. But guess what? Everyone’s facial expressions were the same. The same joy. The same excitement. If you know Nonna, you’re not surprised. She somehow didn’t get the telegram sent to all old-people in Italy never to smile in a photo.

This photo literally made me think…why is it that I enjoy listening to political podcasts? What if it all can be more simple? I’m starting to really wonder what that’s all about.

So, don’t mind me, as I turn myself into my own version of Nonna, just keeping things simple over here. May this vacation glow never wear off!!

Love u!





Written by XIMXIA

XIMXIA (pronounced shim-shee-ya), a versatile Los Angeles singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist, debuted her first single, “Don’t Follow Me" #19 on Billboard

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