Hello, my cupcakes,
Change is constant and nostalgia feels fantastic. With so much change, so much impermanence, I find comfort in the familiar, in being firmly rooted in what has come before.
Oh, but we cannot stop time, as much as I quest for it. So when change is thrust upon us, we often fight it at first — or at least I do. But we usually are A.O.K., eventually.
And this is the wish that I’m casting in my new song (link the new song), out today — when change is thrust upon you, to know, because I promise, you’ll be A.O.K.
My brain works in weird ways. So this same sentiment, to me, seems like the opposite side of the same coin from what Joy Sullivan talks about, in her incredible poem, “Instructions for Traveling West,”: joy is not a trick. When those moments of joy come, regardless of the change and craziness happening around them, we need to devour them, because they are not there to trick us. We do not need to hold ourselves back, but instead savor those moments of joy, regardless of what comes before or what comes after.
It’s those unexplained moments of joy, amidst crazy change, that we know that we are A.O.K.