Sometimes I think one of the greatest accomplishments in this life is FOCUS. Gag me with a spoon. Don’t worry, I have not fallen down the rabbit hole of creatine and 5 hour deep focus morning routines. But, my gluten free sugar muffin, these days, when the world is moving at the speed of something very very fast, I’m realizing how easy it is to get distracted.
Let me take you on a little roller-coaster of my brain. First, and most excitingly, I discovered the FX Jeremy Allen White incredible show The Bear, where this pesky little sign takes center stage.

Yes, this little sign takes on big meaning — about how every second in the kitchen matters, of course, but it also comes to symbolize self worth. Only people who feel really worthy recognize that every second matters to them, and that worth means discipline, and standards. Low self-worth means sloppiness, and bad things happen. Simplistic, but so true.
Behind door number two, we have the prospect of exploring the world, and filling up our own creative coffers with that travel. See, my good friend Lorraine Lawson has been documenting her incredible trip throughout the mountains west of the Mississippi. She talks about — and it’s obvious — that the trip is so fulfilling, so inspiring, and so open to possibilities. Good travel can do that to a person. And at the same time, I’m booking my own travel for the end of this month, with my parents, back to Italy, to both get amazing nature and time with my Italian family. I can already feel myself starting to unfold in preparation for the brand new sights and quality time with amazing people.

It’s been about a year since I last felt this way, so time to go back to Ma and Ma Nature.
Screech, door number 2.5 was an unanticipated release of my own song on Wednesday. Unanticipated, you ask? Well…ok yes technically I could have anticipated. After all, I chose that date weeks ago, and I intended to choose that date. So no harm, no foul. Except the fact that I thought I chose Friday, and I never bothered to check. And realized this on Tuesday night when my song was release. Makes me feel a little silly, and like I could be paying better attention. And I scrambled a little this week. But what else is new?
Door 3. $25,000? Nope. Instead, deep messages from the universe that I don’t ss8!#YW)W* understand. We don’t have to rehash it all here — this isn’t an actual therapy session for me, just a pretend one 🙂 No seriously, from multiple people and at multiple times, I was on the receiving end of discussions about what authenticity means and why it’s so important and whether and how it works. I have no answers. Safe to say though it has me questioning myself and reexamining a few things. So far, all I’ve been left with are more questions, and … a teensie tiny bit of frustration that will probably come out sideways and misdirected sometime over the next 24 hours.
What messages do I take from my deep deep overthinking, which some might characterize as spiraling? That understanding these areas, let alone implementing, is impossible to do all at once. All of these messages are coming at me from wherever, whether I like it or not, and sometimes whether I even ask for them. Instead? Focus. Pick a thing that matters, pick one type of candy at a time, pick just one. Or two. But one is better. Focus, get ‘er done, and move on to the next.
After all, every second counts.
Love always,