Oh, good morning!
What day is today? Where are we? How this is week 6 of 2024, I will never understand. I don’t believe time and space exist…but it sure keeps rolling along. Hmm. Maybe I need to reexamine my “beliefs.”
All kidding aside, I’m noticing how my own assessment of where I am, what I’m doing, why I’m doing it, how I got here, and how the f is this February 9, 2024….basically every analytical thought I’m throwing at myself….wastes my precious time. I’m not talking about the very important need to objectively look at metrics — ignoring critical metrics can be a recipe for a blown budget, for example. But rather, my own obsession with progress, and making sure that I’m moving forward, and checking my place in the world. This habit steals time from me enjoying the moment, and actually moving forward! Grr.
This realization is the opposite of the way I’ve often gone about my life. Most of the time, I take stock of what’s not working, decide I want to be somewhere else, and make it happen. I need a new release for XIMXIA because I don’t like having an empty spot on the calendar. So I write one, I find a producer, I make it happen. Out of the problem comes the solution.
But what if the finding of the problem is the problem? If all I do is look for problems, then guess what I’m going to find — problems! What if I could just create, from a blank slate, because I want to create something, not because I’m trying to solve a problem? If I were to do that, then all of those analyzing thoughts would be unnecessary, and, gasp, stop!?
This new way of looking at things is kind of like vacation time. If you’re on say, a beach vacation, time moves incredibly slowly. You’re just sitting on the beach, doing whatever your heart desires. Toes in the sand, cold drink nearby, maybe you get up and go for a walk, or for a swim, whatever sounds good in the moment. You’re not asking yourself how much you got done that day. You’re not thinking about all the things you can pack into the day. You flow from one thing to another. When you get really good at this (usually day 5–8 for me), time slows down and almost stands still. This is vacation time.

the sisters + Aunt Renee, at a waterfall somewhere in California. Ahhhhh.
Call me absolutely crazy, but what if we could have vacation time all the time? Flowing from one thing to the next, regardless of whether it’s a daiquiri to the ocean, or a spreadsheet and then to the gym. Do they have to be different? If I were to stay in that flow, without the constant analyzing, I thinkI’d actually get more done! Which is obviously not the point, but ironic, no?
Shh. Don’t tell my anxiety or it’s going to freak out.
Love always,