Hi gorgeous space travelers,
I’m currently living in the time vortex that is Buffalo, New York. Apparently, this town is not a vortex for the people who actually live here, just for a certain visitor (interloper?). Time moves faster here — so fast, in fact, that I’m writing this email at the very last minute in complete disbelief that it’s already Friday.
I could talk about time for hours (ha!). What makes it move so fast. The impact time has had on my relationship with my parents. The weirdness that happens when a digital picture frame with mostly 20+ old pictures sits on the kitchen counter. But, as discussed, it’s ALREADY Friday so we don’t have time for that. Or, we have oodles of time, my little linzer tarts, because it’s also the weekend, and we all know the weekend is for philosophizing.
Today is also the day I get to see Taylor Swift LIVE in Pittsburgh (i know!), And it’s the one week anniversary of releasing my near-and-dear to my heart song, Force Field (our love is a), and tomorrow is the one week anniversary of me getting on a stage in a parking lot to sing and play the piano to people who have known me since I was born, or since they were born, depending. I had the best time, and was completely whelmed by the love and tears(!) and singing along, and well, here’s a little clip for you. I want to bring you joy, and well, hopefully this brings a little of that right to your inbox.
I’m forever grateful to you, for being the audience that I get to play music for. I couldn’t be me without you.