Changes, changes. Everywhere I turn, someone is turning over a new leaf. New babies (hi bertie!), new neighbors, new skin cells. Some might call it….Spring!? (Sorry, after living in California for so long, I forget which season it is, and that there are even seasons! It’s super discombobulating.)
If you’re anything like me, sometimes, change drags you forward, kicking and screaming. “No!!!!” you shout. “I like being right here.” But, change has other plans for you.
I have a friend who always says that the reason we want something is because we want to be the person who has the thing, and not that we want the thing itself. For example, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a big-time CEO because I wanted to be someone with authority to boss people around. Taking that one step deeper, I wanted to be the type of person who had the confidence and the skill and the energy to command an entire company. I don’t think I cared about the CEO title. I didn’t even imagine what kind of company it was! I just wanted to be the person that could have been CEO of a big company. Even my very precocious 15 year old self did not have that level of confidence.

I definitely convinced Hannah here that she would love to get buried in the sand. She looks like she’s actually enjoying herself! But probably just because I convinced her she should be. Oops, sorry Hannah.
Yet sometimes change comes, and you aren’t ready to BE that person that the change requires. Like, you are up for a promotion and at first you think you’re not qualified, but then you realize that maybe you do have the confidence and the skill to take that new job. Or, you get broken up with and hate it at first, but then realize that you actually like being alone. In either situation, change is not definitely good, or helpful, or even welcome. But that’s life, baby. Buckle in, cause you’re on the ride.
In these metamorphosis moments, when everything is all dark and I’m trying to just get the f out of whatever weird glue I’m stuck in, it’s pretty easy to think, why me? And, I’m writing you this love letter to change, to remind myself that these are the moments life is made of. These are the moments that make life undeniably rich with meaning and purpose and movement and humanity. These effing annoying kicking and screaming moments are what makes life so great. Without these moments, we don’t move and change and grow. Without these moments, life is a predictable, boring, linear path. So, begrudgingly, I appreciate change?!
Ok, can you just remind me of this regularly? My brain has to catch up to whatever channeling process wrote this little letter here. No promises I’ll remember any of this.
Please tell me about your changes. I’m here for them!!!
Love always,